On Sunday I made a very exciting trip to
Mandors in Edinburgh to hunt down a dress pattern and some fabric for my first dressmaking project. The shops is lovely and the staff are incredibly helpful. My tutor from class works there during the week so I mentioned I was taking her class and that I needed all the help I could get - and they (being Lucy) were brilliant. I'm very glad I spent a lot of time researching what patterns I like on the internet, and pinning photos to my
Pinterest board. I ended up buying this one:
Burda 7798 - pale blonde hair optional. |
I think the style will suit me and it looks like a good beginners project. So the next task was hunting down some fabric - which turned out to be mega easy as I fell in love with this straight away (I've been wanting a navy and white polka dress for ages!)
Tomorrow night we learn how to pin the pattern to the fabric and cut it all out. I haven't been this excited (and nervous) about a project in donkeys years!
The added bonus for me on Sunday was having a good look through Mandor's craft fabrics downstairs. I still need to do a small quilt for my brother-in-law and fiance but ended up buying this for Logan instead:
Logan's going to have the coolest bedding! |
I think it's a Robert Kaufman range (need to get better at my fabric knowledge) and I'm hoping to make him a duvet cover as we're wanting him to get out of his baby sleeping bags for winter.
It's quite sad how excited I am about making all these lovely things!